

Product Coalition

Podcast Guest | Driver Trees for Product Teams

With Jay Stansell in his EU Tour, we discussed the power of Driver Trees in helping align teams in organisations for the Product Coalition Podcast. Driver Trees, or KPI Trees, are used to build a common understanding across departments from Tech & Product through to Marketing and Operations.

Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Spotify

Make Better Product Decisions

Podcast Guest | Decision Making in Product

Sitting with Joe Leech, we candidly discuss the challenges of making decisions as a Product Manager. We talk about democratising the decision making process in order to capture the best outcome. We also explore the topic of alignment (and misalignment) and how to build better relationships in your teams and with your stakeholders.

Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts |Spotify

Mind the Product Conference

Panel Speaker | Hiring & Building Product Teams in Europe

Panel member discussing hiring and building Product Teams in Europe. Covered the experience of sourcing candidates and how to run effective interviews. We also spoke on the importance of onboarding new team members effectively as quickly as possible.

Digitale Leute Summit 2020

Conference Speaker | Articulating Product Management

Digitale Leute is a German-based conference for all those working in the digital space - Tech, UX and Product. At their 2020 conference, I walk the audience through some key Product Management concepts using visuals I’ve created over the years.

Summit 2020 | Slides

Product Mondays

Meetup Speaker | Articulating Product Management

Product Mondays is a regular meet-up for Product people in Berlin. At this session, I shared 6 diagrams I often use for articulating Product Management concepts from the bottleneck through experimentation.